Our Story

Irma’s oldest was graduating from high school. She heard about programs for other cultures that brought teens back to their countries of origin with others like themselves. She wished a program for her kids, for Indian-Americans, existed.

The first call she made was to her friend Nishant, an educator working in India and the U.S. “Nishant, I have an idea and I think you might be the perfect person to do this with.” Irma as a first-generation Indian American, and Nishant as an immigrant to the United States, two different leaders and stories connected through their identity roots.

Nishant’s background as an educator and direct ties and roots in India, and Irma’s connections and expertise in marketing and communications, also raising two children as Indian Americans, seemed the perfect complement to leverage a growing need across cultures, communities, and families to find authentic connections to the place we call home.

Like one’s family and home, this is personal to Irma and Nishant, and we hope it will become personal for you too.

Welcome to IndiaRooted!


Irma is a first-generation Indian-American and mother of two teenagers. She has lived that cultural divide and has a deep appreciation for her heritage.

She was raised in Plano, Texas surrounded by a loving Indian community. Irma went on to pursue a career in marketing – having spent her career working in large corporations.

Irma currently resides in Atlanta with her husband, Manish, and high-school aged son.


Born and raised in Mumbai, Nishant moved to the United States at age 16 to attend boarding school in Asheville, NC.

A recognized educator, leader, and speaker, Nishant continues to advance causes related to families and adolescents, and our ongoing quest to build relationships and communities where we belong.

He resides in Atlanta with his wife, Neeti.

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